Saturday, January 15, 2011

clinical research...

Before this im never knew about clinical research..Just know that in general..But last week i have the opportunity to learn about clinical research in detailed. what is clinical research???

Clinical research is research that either directly involves a particular person or group of people or uses materials from humans, such as their behavior or samples of their tissue, that can be linked to a particular living person.

Clinical trials are one form of clinical research that involves a researcher or researchers who directly observe a person or people, and/or who collect data to answer a scientific or medical question about the safety or potential benefit of an intervention such as a medication, device, teaching concept, training method, or behavioral change.

Friday, January 7, 2011

trip to InnoBio companies....

Last few days we had the opportunity went to InnoBio company. InnoBio company is one of the famous company in or country as it is a company under Ministry of Finance that generate profit for our country. This company have three subsidiaries which are InnoBio Biologics, InnoBio Diagnostic and InnoBio Innovation Centre...Once i noticed that this company was very interesting was when we have the opportunity to see by our own how they provide services and how they cope which each other in each department.
im also having the opportunity to have a talk with 2 sister from Ex- Best programme..They told us a lots.really appreciate it.thanks..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

cooking???ohh i

Last few days Prof Barjoyai teach how to be creative in making nasi briyani and also making own bread...awesome... i like it much..first time ever i have being done making bread on my own..although the taste not realy superb but we can learned something from that.

At that class we realize that everything have to be creative in order to come out with excellent product..use our creative thingking to fullfil it. Any product can be develop using our creativity. Example like cooking explained how actually to be creative in simple way..A lots of dishes now have being altered to produce new one..yumyum delicious. So lets do some research to find other creative ways to develop our creative thinking.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

BraIn FuNctIOn...

At the MITA Brain Based Center use 10 criteria to define entrepreneurs who tend to perform well in their fields.

1. Entrepreneurial workers do most things better than typical practices permit
2. They work harder than most -  to improve on limiting systems
3. They look to causes and go after targets rather than dwell on past  mistakes
4. They maximize benefits to workers and firms in ways that take care of both
5. They get more from less in mental resources often hidden or unused at work
6. They see barriers more as bridges to cross than chasms to stop advancement
7. They inspire ordinary people to more successful achievements
8. They transform best practices into sustainable resources for ongoing growth
9. They tend to focus on what drives peak performances, rather than on what kills it
10. They move past people in ruts to signposts that gauge lucrative outcomes

About Me

Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
Nothing interesting bout me..wanna to knw who i m?? plz be friends with me..