Sunday, January 2, 2011

BraIn FuNctIOn...

At the MITA Brain Based Center use 10 criteria to define entrepreneurs who tend to perform well in their fields.

1. Entrepreneurial workers do most things better than typical practices permit
2. They work harder than most -  to improve on limiting systems
3. They look to causes and go after targets rather than dwell on past  mistakes
4. They maximize benefits to workers and firms in ways that take care of both
5. They get more from less in mental resources often hidden or unused at work
6. They see barriers more as bridges to cross than chasms to stop advancement
7. They inspire ordinary people to more successful achievements
8. They transform best practices into sustainable resources for ongoing growth
9. They tend to focus on what drives peak performances, rather than on what kills it
10. They move past people in ruts to signposts that gauge lucrative outcomes

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Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
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